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The activation codes for the Parent Portal on Power School were emailed to all parents to the address that was designated by the parents as the primary email address. If you did not see the email, check your spam or junk folder. Still no luck? Give the office a call. Power school manages the demographic data of our students; sends out the progress reports and maintains your emergency contact information.
Before the start of school, parents will receive an email from School Dismissal Manager with their activation codes to set up their account. The default plan for each student is their home bus. If a change to the default plan is necessary, that plan MUST BE ENTERED BY 12:30 PM
for the day to be changed. The site does provide the capability to enter plans for multiple days. Children will be sent on their home bus if a change is not entered. If parents miss the 12:30 pm deadline, a note must be brought to the office . For the students’ safety, changes in
plans w ill not be accepted over the phone, fax or through email to the teacher or office. Pick ups at the office are allowed only for medical appointments, illness, or family emergency. If you need to pick your child up early, you MUST send a note in with your student to give to their teacher in the morning (any pickup before 3:20 pm).
There are two drop off/pick up lines! North, which enters off of Wolfpit Road and South, which enters off Belden Hill Road. Drop-off runs from 8:45 to 9:00 am. After 9 am, parents must park and sign their child in at the Main Office. In the afternoon, children are dismissed to the pick-up areas at 3:20 pm. Please remain in your car and remain in line at all times . South drop off/pick up is for kindergarten and second grade students. North drop off/pick up is for preschool and first graders. If there are siblings, the designated drop off/pick up line for the family always defaults to the youngest child. To expedite pick up, please place a card with your last name on your passenger side visor. When picking up, please lower the visor so we can quickly call your son/daughter.
Be sure to label all your child’s belongings. Over 200 sweatshirts end up in lost property every year! If an item fails to make it home, check out our two Lost and Found areas for any missing items throughout the year! Lost property is generally left where it falls, so you can find things on the stage (left from gym) and in the cafeteria (from lunch).
+You can also save a trip to Lost & Found! Order Mabels Labels & Support the Miller-Driscoll PTA! Mabels Labels are perfect for labeling all your child’s belongings. Click here for more information. A portion of your order will go directly to your MD PTA!