Miller Driscoll Executive Board Job Descriptions
As Written in the Bylaws April 2023
The President
Preside at all PTA meetings,
Sign all contracts,
Serve as an ex officio member of all committees except the Nominating Committee (a non-voting position),
Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of the PTA in order that the purposes may be promoted,
Attend required training approved by the CT PTA,
Perform such other duties as may be provided for by the bylaws, prescribed by the parliamentary authority, or directed by the Board of Directors or Executive Committee.
The Vice President
Act as an aide to the President,
In their designated order, perform the duties of the President in the President’s absence or inability to serve,
Perform such other duties as may be provided for by the bylaws, prescribed by the parliamentary authority, or directed by the President, the Board of Directors, or the Executive Committee.
The Secretary
Record the minutes and attendance of all meetings of the Miller-Driscoll PTA,
Be prepared to read the records of any previous meetings,
File all records,
Have a current copy of the bylaws,
Perform such other duties as may be provided for by the bylaws, prescribed by the parliamentary authority, or directed by the President, the Board of Directors, or the Executive Committee.
The Treasurer
Have custody of the funds of the PTA,
Maintain a full account of the funds of the PTA,
Make disbursements as authorized by the President, Executive Committee, or the PTA in accordance with the budget adopted by the PTA,
Have monetary requests over the amount of $2,000 signed by two unrelated people: the Treasurer and the President,
Cause to be kept a full and accurate account of the receipts and disbursements in the books belonging to the Miller-Driscoll PTA,
Provide a full written financial statement to the Board of Directors at each meeting,
Present account balances at every meeting of the association,
Provide full financial statements to members only,
Maintain a list of members,
Submit membership fees to the state office on a monthly basis,
Submit the books annually for a review or audit by a Review or Auditing Committee selected by the Board of Directors. (It is highly recommended that an informal review of the books be done at least one month before the new officers assume their duties.)
Report the findings of the annual review or audit to the Board of Directors and send a copy to the state office,
Submit a copy of completed IRS form 990 to Connecticut PTA,
Attend required training approved by the CT PTA,
Perform such other duties as may be provided for by the bylaws, prescribed by the parliamentary authority, or directed by the President, the Board of Directors, or the Executive Committee.
The Parent(s)-At-Large
Attend all meetings of the PTA and Board of Directors unless absent for good cause,
Attend all district-wide Board of Education meetings and other town board budget meetings as necessary and provide a report of these meetings to the PTA, and
Perform such other duties as may be provided for by the bylaws, prescribed by the parliamentary authority, or directed by the President, the Board of Directors, or the Executive Committee.